Tuesday, 16 June 2015
Religion vs Spirituality

Thursday, 19 February 2015
Experience God's Presence

Experience God's Presence by Repentance with Joy!
Receive and "abide" in the presence of God by understanding with your mind, AND by teaching your heart to think differently about earthly things and about your being able to freely receive the presence of God by believing He is drawing near, because of His grace!
You Can Grow Even in Difficult Areas because You Can Taste Heaven Now!
Repentance should be as important a practice to your Christian life as prayer or reading the Bible. It can help you just as much. Repentance is more than just what you do after you do something wrong. Repentance is a biblical practice—an activity that describes something you can do for great personal growth and change.
You Can experience a deeper Christian life!
It will take effort on your part to direct your heart toward God, but you can do it!
I will show you how.
L.C.J. Engelbrecht
Wednesday, 28 January 2015
How to contact you Angels

Wednesday, 7 January 2015
No religion in heaven

In our everyday life we try to convince people that our religious beliefs are the only way to God.
We try to convince people that they will only go to heaven if they do such and such.
We defend our God, our religion and our ‘Bible’ (or whatever you see as your bible).
We forget that all religions feel that way.
People created religions not Jesus, Buddha or anyone else, they were only the teachers. They taught us their ideas and we decided what who we want to belief. Then we created a religion to protect their ideas and to separate us from the ‘non-believers’. We even went further and created rules to distinguish us from others. These rules were never put down by the teachers.
Let us look at Jesus’s life. He came to earth to tell us about the kingdom of God. That was His main purpose. And only for the ‘lost people of Isreal’. He send out His disciples to go and tell the people ‘the good news’. He never told them to start a religion. Up until His death there was no Christians, there was His ‘followers’. Only after His death we decided to gather everything He said and then we created a religion, with some of our own rules, off course.
The teachers suggested things that we can do to life a full and happy life and we made it law.
In the end all these teachers said the same thing.
To force people to do what we decided is right; we even created a devil and then we try to scare them with hell. If we look at the Bible we will notice that the word ‘devil’ never appeared in the Old Testament. Only when Jesus came the word ‘devil’ appeared.
To keep these people in our ‘churches’ we decided not to teach them to grow beyond the point of needing a ‘church’ to get to God. We know that once a person starts to know God personally, he/she wouldn’t need the ‘church’ anymore. Who needs a ‘pastor’ or his ‘church’ if he/she has got an open line to God? Thus we need to prevent people going to God directly.
We forget that there is no religion in heaven.
This means that all our efforts to protect our religion is useless. In heaven there will be no Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, etc. only God’s people.
Religion is a game we play here on earth. When we die it dies with us and we go to God. All of us.
It will be as it was in the beginning. There will be only God.
What will you be if you didn’t have your ‘Bible’? What God would you serve?
Maybe that is our problem; we have too many ‘rule books’ and not enough ‘how to..’ books.
Lukas Engelbrecht
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